We'll meet your needs to ensure your success!
Oui Global is a worldwide organisation of independent local and regional firms of Chartered Certified Accountants, Certified Public Accountants, Chartered Accountants, or their professional equivalents. Oui Global was founded for the purpose of providing members and their clients with the capability of furnishing a broad spectrum of accounting, auditing, and management services on an efficient and cost effective basis around the globe.
We aim to provide an adapted
and personalised service.This goal is reflected by 7 principles:
- Organise our services to be a source of added value.
- Continually improve our knowledge of our clients and their businesses.
- Permanently improve our competences and the professionalism of our working methods.
- Build relationships of trust.
- Be available and respect deadlines.
- Search for the best professionals by encouraging a multi-field approach.
- … Be totally independent.
Rapidly Growing
Professional Service Firms
Oui Global offices are typically full service regional, public accounting and management consulting firms. They are rapidly growing professional services firms with multiple offices in major metropolitan areas which provide technical assistance in traditional accounting and auditing, tax services, and specialised services.
Best Practices
thanks to the Alliance
Oui Global provides its independent members with the strength and capabilities of a large, worldwide organisation with diverse technical skills and geographic representation not possible for a local firm alone. Members exchange technical advice and assistance in every service performed by the profession.
Oui Global members are selected based on exacting requirements for size, reputation, quality of practice, diverse technical capabilities and geographic location. These requirements must be met not only to gain admission but also to retain membership. Periodic inspections assure that members continue to meet membership requirements.